Sunday, March 15, 2015

Winning The Battle Against Negative Self-Talk

This weight loss journey compared to the other has been very challenging. I often gauge my level of success and motivation from what I see on the scale. If I don’t see the number change on the scale, I get very discouraged.  I could be seeing changes everywhere else, but if that number on the scale doesn’t move, all the other wins don’t matter. I don’t know about you, but when discouragement settles in, so does negative self-talk.

Self-talk is defined as the dialogue between oneself. Self talk is that inner voice that tells you what it is you want or need to hear. My inner voice can be very negative. My inner voice can be the difference between me making a good choice, versus making a bad choice. Pastor, Steven Furtick, of Elevation Church is preaching a series on “Moodswingers”. The first topic on the series is called “The Great Emoti Con”, the message was about having control over your emotions. He brought up scripture that I felt resonates not only for my life, but also my weight loss journey. Matthew 15:11 NIV “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”  He states “you sabotage yourself by what you speak.” I bout jumped out of my chair when he said that, because that negative self-talk doesn’t just stay within. When I begin to speak those negative thoughts out my mouth, I begin to believe those negative thoughts. I begin to believe all the hard work that I’m putting in is a waste of my time. I believe that I’m never going to reach my goals. These are the things I begin to tell myself, and then I turn around and sabotage myself. I start making poor choices when it comes to my diet, and I begin to skip my workouts. I stop going after my goals because of the negative self-talk that I begin to speak.

What I have begun to do is start working on myself, and learning how to change my negative self –talk into positive self-talk. Going through this change has not been easy, but I still continue to work at it every day. There are a few things that I began to incorporate in my life to help me work on changing my negative self-talk. About a year ago, I enlisted help from a therapist, because I was just fed up with the negativity and I could not figure out how to change me. My therapist gave me a task of keeping a thought record. A thought record is a tool that helps you to recognize and understand negative thinking. A thought record also helps you to develop healthier thinking and incorporate it into your daily life. When I completed a thought record for the first time, it really opened my eyes to how negative I am in every aspect of my life. It also allowed me to come up with a solution, a more positive way of thinking. If this is an area of your life that you need to work on, start keep a thought record.

 In addition to the thought record, I began to read self-help books to help me improve on my negative self-talk. One book that I read that really blessed me was” The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind” by Joyce Meyers. All of our thought takes place in the mind, so our mind is the battlefield. In this journey to a new me, I wrestled with a lot in my mind. It could be something as simple as making a decision to eat something that I know that I shouldn’t eat. It’s like the angel and devil on your shoulder type of thing. The angel is my positive inner voice telling me “you shouldn’t eat that it’s not going help you get any closer to your goal”. The devil, my negative inner voice, is telling me “you’re   doing all this hard work and you’re not getting any closer to your goal, go ahead and eat it.” The back and forward between the angel and the devil turns into a battle in your mind.  Joyce Meyers shows us how to win these battles in our mind. This book will indeed show how to lead a more positive life by changing the way you think. In your life if you struggle with negativity, depression, worry, and fear, please get this book.  I pray it will bless your life as much as it has blessed mine.

                I never realized how important positive self-talk is until now. I have to start encouraging myself whenever I begin to feel like I’m failing. I have to stop being so judgmental, and understand that this weight loss thing is a journey. I’m going to have times when I fall, but the key is not to stay down.  I pray that God will continue to help me win the battle against my mind. I pray that I remain positive even when I don’t feel like it.

If you struggle with negative self-talk what are some ways that help you to develop
positive self-talk?