It has been a little over 2 years since I've written in my blog, and I'm no closer now to my weight loss goal than I was 2 years ago. There are a few factors that play into why I can't reach my weight loss goals. At one point I felt like my Jenny Craig client were my motivation, and now that I no longer work with the company I have nothing or no one to keep me motivated or accountable. So needless to say the 20lb I lost on the program I gained them back. Consistency is something I've always struggled with. That could be why I haven't posted anything in a very long time. The factors that I believe has played a factor in why I can't lose this weight is my lack of motivation and lack of consistency.
At this stage in my life I want to enjoy the women that I am, and don't want to have to worry about being overweight. If I could close my eyes and wakeup tomorrow and be this sexy lean machine I would be so happy, but life doesn't come easy to no one. Hard work, dedication, and consistency is going to get me to reach my goals.
One may ask "Victoria what are your goal when it pertains to your weight loss?", and I would say to be this healthy and a sexy lean muscle machine. Over these last few day I've played with the thought of getting so fit that I could one day compete in a female bodybuilder's competition. On one hand my inner self is saying "hell no you will never be able to get fit enough to ever compete in a female bodybuilder's competition." On the other hand my inner self is saying "girl you can do it!" So me listening to my other hand I started to research what takes to go from fat to a bodybuilder, and from my search I pulled up success stories of females with the same goals as I have. These females goals wasn't one day to become a bodybuilder or to compete, but their goal was just to be healthy, lose weight and get in shape. One things that they all had it common was that they got so fed up with being teased about being fat, being mistreated for being fat, and not loving themselves because they were fat that they had to make a change.
When I was growing up I never struggle with my weight I was this skinny string bean until I got to the 6th grade, and the I started to put on weight. I remember when my mother and grandmother took me school shopping and I wore a size 9/10 pants in the 6th grade. I think that was the first time I've ever felt bad about myself. I never really focused much on my weight, but it was always in the back of my mind. I would get teased by the kids at my school, but it was never because weight. They would tease about my big forehead and call me names like five head. I think being teased for that took away the focus off of my weight. The things that these female bodybuilders have motivating them I don't have those same things motivating me, because I personally didn't have those problem growing. Each person going on a weight loss journey there not going to have the same things motivating them to lose weight, but there motivation has to be strong enough to conquer all the temptation that may come their way. When I again start to come up a strong motivator the only thing I can think of is that I'm tried of starting over.
For the last 2 year I've seriously been trying to lose weight and get in shape. I've started with doing the Jenny Craig program which was a success when I stuck to the plan. Then I started to change my eating habits and exercise and that allowed me to maintain for a very long time. After that point I gave up and stopped watching what I eat but was still exercising. Then I just stopped doing everything no healthy eating or exercise. I've always had the desire to want to lose weight so every Monday was a new week and I would do great with my eating and exercise for a good two days, and then it was back to the bad habits. At this point I didn't know what I could do to get back on track. I knew that I could eat healthy on my own and exercise so the only other thing I thought about was that I was lacking support. That's when I decided to join Weight Watchers. That program was great I was 8 weeks in and had lost 11 pounds, but the weight loss stopped. When the weight loss stop so did my motivation. Needless to say I quit Weight Watcher and now I'm here presently trying to figure things out.